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The Power of Intuitive Energy Work for Healing Relationships

*"Chloe" came to work with me after a big break-up.

After her 7 year relationship ended, she felt shocked, angry, and grief-stricken. The future she'd imagined with her ex was gone and she was left scrambling to find herself again.

She knew she was responsible for her life but she felt mad when her partner up and left without notice. She had a pattern of giving more than receiving and though she was working on this in therapy, she knew she needed "something more."

There were so many words she hadn't said.

From an energetic stand point, she was both "throwing energy" with anger (which can look like swords or knives, energetically) and receiving energy back that was tearing her aura. This left her feeling yucky.

In her field, I could see the rips in her aura and cords between her and her ex which were causing her to feel weighed down and to transfer energy, including thoughts and feelings back and forth. I heard intuitively that this dynamic kept them entwined. No wonder she was thinking of her ex so frequently!

When I work with clients, I can see, feel, and hear the energy that makes up situations and through energy work, clients and I often receive a-ha's about why this is happening.

I showed Chloe how to clear her grounding and heal her aura and chakras. Because she'd been throwing and receiving energy, she had rips in her aura that were letting other people's energy in and this prevented her from feeling centered. She also felt affected by other people's energy more, which is common for sensitive people.

After healing her aura and grounding (which is where we release energy that needs to go), she was shocked to realize that she felt more calm, centered, and present.

She said, "I always was open to energy work; I just didn't know it would work so fast!" Of course, energy healing hygiene is an ongoing experience like any other form of self-care, and not a one-time deal, but, after the session, she described feeling "more whole." It was powerful!

Later, we did an Emotion Code session where she cleared emotions which contributed to her giving so much and grief/shock over her relationship, and these were connected with her caretaking relationship with her father as a kid. She had a-ha's without digging and began to transform.

In another session, her cat, Mischief's spirit came in. I could see her beautiful grey eyes, white and grey fur. Mischief showed me images of licking her paws and tending to her needs and I heard that her message to Chloe was to love and take care of herself first.

Prior to this session, Chloe had talked to Mischief the previous day and had felt her around but couldn't see or hear her. This was something we worked on together.

Over the course of 4 months, we worked together and Chloe became more present and intuitive -- with incredible results. She described feeling better about herself, able to focus on work and grad school, and miraculously, her ex was more communicative than she'd been before and apologized to Chloe.

As Chloe cleared her energy, she had more room to flow and be present for her life. While her life wasn't perfect, Chloe said this way of working opened up a whole new world for her -- within.

What a joy!

I am always touched and honored by these sessions and what comes forward to be healed. I never know before hand what Spirit will suggest though I ask always for the highest good and for spiritual growth for each of us. It is a true honor to be of service in this way!

If this calls to you, reach out for an Illumination Session.

I'd love to hear more about you!

*Not her real name.


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