My Story
Hi, I'm Heather
I’m a spiritual-intuitive guide, hypnosis practitioner, & energy healer.
For over 25 years, I’ve been working with people, perhaps like you, on discovering, remembering, loving, & courageously being their true, beautiful selves.
I’m passionate about this work because I know, first hand, what it’s like to feel overwhelmed by emotions & disconnected from your own self, especially when you’re a sensitive, spiritual soul.
Growing up as an Empath, I always felt different. I also had a challenging family of origin (with narcissistic parents). I didn’t quite fit and I often guessed at what normal was.
As a result, I often masked my true self, focused on other people, or felt overwhelmed by emotions, & I didn’t feel I belonged.
It took a long time for me to come home to myself. And, it’s something I still work on.
It’s no wonder, given that I wanted to be in connection but didn’t know how that I trained and worked as a mindfulness-oriented clinical psychologist. I loved it.
But, after 14 years as a therapist, I began to feel burned out from long hours, challenging stories, & from picking up emotions from clients.
A colleague suggested I try Reiki so that I could let go of others’ energy, & to my surprise, I opened up intuitively & began to be able to work with my energy rather than feel controlled by it.
I’d always been intuitive, but this was intuition on a new scale! Suddenly, I had support. I didn’t have to figure things out on my own! I also felt a deeper connection with animals & began to read energy, & understand things without analyzing them. This rocked my world, & I knew this was the work I was meant to do! ​
Fun Facts
My amazing partner, Erin, and I have been together for 15 years...
(I was NOT always great at relationships; it’s been a huge part of my journey to open my heart again & let people in).
I told my mother at 4 that I knew I would be a bride and have a bride...
(she was like “You’re just confused!” But, I knew! I’ve always been intuitive. And, I love helping people learn to listen to their own intuition.)
I love animals & nature...
Which is why a percentage of your payment goes to supporting organizations like Animal Friends & the Humane Society.
Some books that have changed my life: Shakti Gawain’s Creative Visualization; Martia Nelson’s Coming Home: The Return to True Self; Mary O’Malley’s What’s in the Way is the Way...
Also Dawn Lianna’s Contact Your Angels Now: It’s Easier Than You Think; Debra Landwehr Engle’s, “ Let Your Spirit Guides Speak: A Simple Guide for a Life of Purpose, Abundance, & Joy
I’m an ENFP, which I think of as the Enthusiastic Encourager!
I’m a “Yes, And…” person and I love to think, “What else is possible?!” And, I’d love to explore that with you!
My Education
If you're curious
Psychic and Intuitive Certification from James Van Praagh's School of Mystical Arts & 10 years of training in intuitive development and energy work with 5 teachers (2 of whom I still train with regularly; I believe in ongoing training)
Certified Emotion Code Practitioner
3 years studying with teachers who are students of Eden Energy Medicine
Holy Fire Reiki Master III (which means I can teach it).
Certified Hypnosis Practitioner from iNLP Center
Trained as a coach in coaching for mental health practitioners from the Zur Institute
Certified Spiritual Coach from Transformation Academy
1 year of training in chakra work
20+ years of training in mindfulness, spirituality, and psychology, including: attachment theory, Relational-Cultural Theory and a whole bunch of other practices (my treasure chest of tools is big). :)
Masters and Doctoral degrees in Clinical Psychology
Oh, and one more thing...
Say hello to my lovely family!
I couldn't share who I am without also showing you my loving family.
This is my amazing partner, Erin, and our two dogs: Murph & Katie Belle Fleur.
They are my greatest teachers of what it means to love and be loved!