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Heather Schwartz Heart and Soul Alchemy
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My Story

Hi, I'm Heather

I’m a spiritual-intuitive guide, hypnosis practitioner, & energy healer.  


For over 25 years, I’ve been working with people, perhaps like you, on discovering, remembering, loving, & courageously being their true, beautiful selves.  


I’m passionate about this work because I know, first hand, what it’s like to feel overwhelmed by emotions & disconnected from your own self, especially when you’re a sensitive, spiritual soul. 

Growing up as an Empath, I always felt different. I also had a challenging family of origin (with narcissistic parents). I didn’t quite fit and I often guessed at what normal was. 


As a result, I often masked my true self, focused on other people, or felt overwhelmed by emotions, & I didn’t feel I belonged.

It took a long time for me to come home to myself. And, it’s something I still work on.


It’s no wonder, given that I wanted to be in connection but didn’t know how that I trained and worked as a mindfulness-oriented clinical psychologist. I loved it.


But, after 14 years as a therapist, I began to feel burned out from long hours, challenging stories, & from picking up emotions from clients. 



A colleague suggested I try Reiki so that I could let go of others’ energy, & to my surprise, I opened up intuitively & began to be able to work with my energy rather than feel controlled by it.


I’d always been intuitive, but this was intuition on a new scale! Suddenly, I had support. I didn’t have to figure things out on my own! I also felt a deeper connection with animals & began to read energy, & understand things without analyzing them. This rocked my world, & I knew this was the work I was meant to do! ​


My work today is to be an intuitive guide & soul communicator, with people, perhaps like you, who feel “stuck” in patterns & who are ready to let go, transform within, & love your own beautiful spirit & life itself! 


This creates miracles.

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Fun Facts


My amazing partner, Erin, and I have been together for 15 years...

(I was NOT always great at relationships; it’s been a huge part of my journey to open my heart again & let people in).


I told my mother at 4 that I knew I would be a bride and have a bride...

(she was like “You’re just confused!” But, I knew! I’ve always been intuitive. And, I love helping people learn to listen to their own intuition.)


I love animals & nature...

Which is why a percentage of your payment goes to supporting organizations like Animal Friends & the Humane Society. 


Some books that have changed my life: Shakti Gawain’s Creative Visualization; Martia Nelson’s Coming Home: The Return to True Self; Mary O’Malley’s What’s in the Way is the Way...

Also Dawn Lianna’s Contact Your Angels Now: It’s Easier Than You Think; Debra Landwehr Engle’s, “ Let Your Spirit Guides Speak: A Simple Guide for a Life of Purpose, Abundance, & Joy


I’m an ENFP, which I think of as the Enthusiastic Encourager!

I’m a “Yes, And…” person and I love to think, “What else is possible?!” And, I’d love to explore that with you!

Heather Schwartz, spiritual-intuitive guide and energy healer

My Education
If you're curious

Psychic and Intuitive Certification from James Van Praagh's School of Mystical Arts & 10 years of training in intuitive development and energy work with 5 teachers (2 of whom I still train with regularly; I believe in ongoing training)

Certified Emotion Code Practitioner

3 years studying with teachers who are students of Eden Energy Medicine

Holy Fire Reiki Master III (which means I can teach it). 

Certified Hypnosis Practitioner from iNLP Center

Trained as a coach in coaching for mental health practitioners from the Zur Institute

Certified Spiritual Coach from Transformation Academy

1 year of training in chakra work

20+ years of training in mindfulness, spirituality, and psychology, including: attachment theory, Relational-Cultural Theory and a whole bunch of other practices (my treasure chest of tools is big). :)

Masters and Doctoral degrees in Clinical Psychology

Heather's family - Erin, Murph, & Katie Belle Fleur

Oh, and one more thing...

Say hello to my lovely family!

I couldn't share who I am without also showing you my loving family.


This is my amazing partner, Erin, and our two dogs: Murph & Katie Belle Fleur.


They are my greatest teachers of what it means to love and be loved!

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