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What is the Meaning of 12:12?

forest, what is the meaning of 12:12

Have you been seeing the number 12:12?

I have, and I also feel it's for everybody, as our world opens up!

What does 12:12 signify?

  • Big changes.

  • Taking risks to do something new, let go, & evolve!

  • Knowing you're never alone.

  • Knowing you're guided by your angels & soul team.

  • Focusing on the Truth within you, rather than fears.

How does this affect you? Are you feeling the vibe that it's for you, too? 🦋

I was talking with a good friend yesterday and she said we often can't see where we're headed until we get there.

When you're in the midst of a transition, things can feel like they're in pieces rather than parts of a whole.

The path may not be clear until you're through the situation.

What helps?

🌟 Remembering we're not alone and never have been. That's a huge meaning of 12:12.

🌟 Remembering that we can do this -- one step at a time.

🌟 Asking intuition for help, love, & guidance. It's always there! 💗

🌟 And, then listening to what we feel guided to do.

And, if you'd like help putting the pieces together in a spiritual & intuitive way, I welcome you to reach out!

This is where intuitive coaching & spiritual growth sessions come in: helping you walk the seemingly rocky path of the unknown as you get to know the Knower within you.

I offer a complimentary 30-minute Illumination sessions to find out more about how to live more fully open, free, & in connection with your truest self!

~ Heather


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