Come Home To Your Heart & Soul
Awaken your consciousness, transform your energy, and connect to your most loving, intuitive, supported, and powerful self!
My Gift to You
Get your download of my 25 minute Connect with Your Intuition guided hypnosis session created with love from my heart to yours when you sign up to my mailing list.
Imagine a life where you know you’re not alone, where you can turn inward for spiritual guidance (even when you’re feeling anxious), reconnect with Spirit, and trust that life is here for you!
When you include your own bright spirit in your life, life gets easier, more joyful, and more fun… want to know more?
Hi, I'm Heather!
As an Intuitive guide, I translate energy and offer loving guidance and insights from your spirit team to remind you of who you truly are as a powerful, beautiful soul who is here to share your light!
I have a treasure chest of tools to help sensitive, empathic, and intuitive women like you to energetically clear blocks, release anxiety and overwhelm, and connect with your intuition.
Since you're unique, I love to customize sessions and share how to use these tools to work with your own energy, and other energies affecting your life, so you can powerfully shift your inner and outer experiences to feel good being you and at home in your life!
When you come home to your whole self, you come home to the world.
Have you felt that you have to figure life out on your own as a deeply caring, insightful, and intuitive Empath or sensitive person?
This can feel overwhelming.
Being sensitive comes with many gifts but because we feel so much and want to do the right thing, it can feel hard to trust ourselves, and know we're worthy of a good life (rather than trying to be perfect).
Have you wondered whether it's possible to have a good life being you?
It is!
That's where intuitive guidance which reveals the essence of situations and people, energy clearing, and connecting with our own hearts and souls can be extremely powerful!
This is an inside-out experience of transforming what’s in the way of a life that feels good to your heart and soul.
Love is always our destination.
I offer several modalities of energy work, healing,
hypnosis, and soul-to-soul communication.
We'll talk about which one is right for you in the Illumination Session.
Is this work right for you?
My clients tend to love our work together if:
You know you're here for a reason. You feel a calling to be the fullest expression of yourself and feel in connection with others.
You love self-discovery! Personal and spiritual growth are important to you.
You often see the deeper spiritual meaning of situations and love having a-ha's!
You are ready to take responsibility and want feel empowered and thrive in your life.
You know that your thoughts and energy co-create reality and you care about how you show up in the world. You're here to be yourself, share your gifts, connect, and love fully.
You want to be authentic but feel uncomfortable at times being seen – you want to get over that, come out of hiding, and let who you are be seen and loved. (It’s a process).
You are sensitive to energy: feeling the energy from people, animals, plants – or the energy in the room! Energy has ruled your life (or affected it) and you want to work with your energy – after all, being energy-attuned means you can connect with the intuitive and spiritual realms more easily; so, why not use our strength to work with the world?!
You want energetic and practical solutions beyond constantly shielding your energy, cutting cords, or trying to get people’s energy out of your space! You’re ready to shift into more ease.
You are in a generally good place in your life with people who get you and support you.
You’ve done your work and you’re ready to experience deeper understanding, meaning, and growth without digging into the past!